Concurrent Events

International Symposium

Understanding “Now” and “Future” in Asia: A Series of Reports from 7 countries
East Hall 4, Seminar A Room
October 3 (Thu), 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
  • Free to attend
  • Pre-register
  • J/E simultaneous interpretation
  • Post-Event Streaming
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Pre-application is required to attend the International Symposium

Please register as a visitor, login to the Web Exhibition, apply for the International Symposium, and then download and bring your participation pass with you.


<Update: Tuesday, September 10, 2024>

Advance application for the International Symposium has been closed. On-site participation will be accepted at the venue (as soon as the number of participants reaches the maximum).

Understanding “Now” and “Future” in Asia: A Series of Reports from Seven Countries

October 3rd (Thu)  13:00~15:00

Part 1: "Current Situation of Aging in Asia and Support for Independent Living of the Elderly"
Introducing issues related to aging that are common to Asian countries and the latest trends in various systems, support measures and initiatives to support the independence of the elderly.

 Japan: Mr. Takayuki KAKIMOTO (National Council of CEOs of Social Welfare Corporations)
 Korea: Dr. Chung Moo SUNG (Vice President, Korea National Council of Social Welfare)
Taiwan: Ms. Ying-Siou CHEN (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan)
Thailand: Mz. Somluck Lim (Ex-Trainee of Asian Social Welfare Workers' Training Program)
 *Ex-Trainees of Asian Social Welfare Workers' Training Program in Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand are to report on their experiences.


Ms. Satomi YUKAWA (Chairperson, JNCSSW International Social Welfare Fund Committee)


October 3rd (Thu)  15:20~16:30

Part 2: "Social Welfare Situations in Asian Countries and Activities of Graduates"
In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the “Asian Social Welfare Workers' Training Program” conducted by the Japan National Council of Social Welfare, four graduates from Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Philippines will report on their activities related to welfare and community development in their home countries and their prospects.